Friday, April 28, 2017

Panoramas, Probably One of the Hardest Projects

This time, we were assigned with what could be probably one of the hardest projects to me, just as the title of this post states. We were assigned with taking panoramas, and taking them is no easy feat. For my picture, I wanted to do something different from the rest. I decided to take a full, 360 degree panorama of Bidwell Park, and I turned it into what looks like it's own miniature planet. I wanted to go with something unique and different with this project, which I feel I did very well with. However, like I said before, this was very hard to produce. The original panorama consisted of 20+ images, making the width of the picture absolutely enormous, and then I had to blend every single one of those pictures together to produce a good looking panorama. That was probably the hardest part of the process (along with the heaps of time it took to edit this since it started out at 75000+ pixels wide). I was definitely worried when I was taking the pictures because I was thinking that the sky would get darker or I wouldn't get the right angles, but overall, I felt it came out very well. Along with stitching and blending, I also had to convert the image into a jpeg before adding the "planet" effect since that involved using a filter (polar coordinates). I definitely think this is an eye-catcher, and something you never really see when it comes to panoramic photography.

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