Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Game Environment Scene Part 3: More Modeling

I managed to get most of my models and UVs done since my last post, and now I'm in the process of texturing and painting for my models. Also, I plan on doing a few more small adjustments to my models themselves since I'm not completely satisfied with them right now. I may possibly add some extra "bricks" to get the bricks into my photo that are shown in the image below, but I'm going to test out bump maps first.

My tri count right now is just a little over 2000, which is pretty good, but I'd like to keep it as low as possible. Below are a few textures that I've selected for my building specifically, with some others within our group being shared. I also plan on getting some brushes to add a few extra details to textures that may be a little bland without extra detail.

Over Thanksgiving Break, I'm not going to be doing a whole lot, but I want to utilize any free time that I have to work on this project, and, if I'm lucky, get my model finished and textured, with a little small details thrown in for good measure. Also, I finally adjusted the top of the lighthouse to fit the original model a lot more, which already looks much better.

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