Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Game Environment Scene Part 1: The Blocking

For this project, we are tasked with modeling a few buildings from a choice of three different games, those being Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Last of Us, and Overwatch. We are able to be in a group of three for this project. My group and I all agreed on doing a few buildings from the map Ilios from Overwatch since the buildings stand out with lots of bright colors and they seem much easier to model over more complex buildings that would be present in the Last of Us.

I chose to model the lighthouse on Ilios, one of the main capture points on one of the versions of the map. I wanted to model this since it is a main point of interest on the map and doesn't seem to hard to model.

For our scene, we plan on having that building, as well as two buildings chosen by my group members, and if everything works out right, we'll model the giant pit in the center that is one main part of another version of the map.

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