Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Dining Project Part 1: Blocking

For this project, we are tasked with making a full diner scene with different types of stools, chairs, tables, shelves, and other things that may be present in a diner scene. I'm going to base my scene off of a pizza place since I like the look and design of pizza places, and it seems like an easier scene to me personally. I plan on detailing the stools and chairs to look much more fitting and realistic instead of the block versions present in my scene now, as well as tweaking different aspects of the shelving and posters on the back wall.

Objects will include, but aren't limited to:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Bar
  • Shelves
  • Stools
  • Napkin Holders?
  • Possibly a few Pizza Trays at different tables
  • Bottles of Wine and other alcoholic beverages
  • Possibly Parmesan Cheese Jars
  • other items TBD
I'm looking forward to how this project will turn out by the end of the month.

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