Tuesday, April 23, 2019

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, is created through social media. It is when you feel left out after seeing other people having fun through their pictures and videos online and it makes you feel anxious. FOMO hasn't affected me too much, I try to just scroll through social media without really thinking about what's being posted. However, more recently, I did get acquainted with someone who I now deeply care about, but because of distance, things would be pretty rough while being up here. I'd get anxious whenever I'd see posts from this person and her friends because I wanted to be there with them. I think just in general I've felt this feeling. Sometimes my friends back home all go out to get dinner while I'm left in the voice chat alone since I'm not there to join them, and it makes me feel lonely and anxious to get home for the summer. I think just being so far away from home has increased FOMO for me, but I hope that changes once I move home. I've been working on doing my own thing and staying occupied, which has helped a great deal.

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